Bunt Bits
Sponsoring and Presenting at the Joint ITE/CITE 2017 Annual Meeting and Exhibit
For the past several years, Bunt & Associates has proudly sponsored the CITE annual conference. This year, we are heading to Toronto July 30th to August 2, 2017 to take part in this transportation conference titled Transportation for All – Putting New Ideas into Practice. The conference attracts attendees and speakers from across North America and joining the line-up will be Jane Farquharson who is co-presenting with Kathy Ho from the City of Coquitlam about the ‘Evergreen Line Public Parking Management Strategy & Implementation’. Also, we have Christephen Cheng presenting our work with TransLink on the ‘UBC Vancouver Transit Terminal: Connecting Transit Users to the Heart of the Campus’. We hope to see many of our clients and colleagues out east this summer. For more information visit the conference website.
Posted: June 2017