Bunt Bits
Metro Vancouver/Fraser Valley Industrial Parking Study
Bunt & Associates and NAIOP, Vancouver Chapter, proudly present a groundbreaking report delving into the impact of parking supply rates on industrial sites across Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. The study examined more than 60 industrial facilities in these regions to highlight inefficiencies in existing systems and recommend optimal parking supply rates.
With 30 years of experience in transportation planning and engineering, Bunt understands the value of industrial land in Metro Vancouver and the need to strategically utilize it for the advancement of our local businesses. To capture parking supply and peak period parking demand at industrial sites across Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley regions, a comprehensive survey was conducted in June of 2022 across 62 industrial facilities. The findings revealed a prevalent oversupply of parking by 50% in most industrial sites across the regions, indicating that substantial industrial land in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley remains untapped.
Through this report, Bunt aims to encourage positive change and ensure the ability for our industrial businesses to thrive and grow within our communities. To address the underutilized parking issue in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, we recommend municipalities consider new parking supply rates for small, medium, and large industrial sites based on building size and proximity to transit. This thoughtful approach will help mitigate limitations and foster economic growth in these regions.
Special thanks to Christephen Cheng, M.Eng., P.Eng., Stuart Thornley, P.Eng., and Sophie Renard, EIT for the great work. For more info, visit https://naiopvcr.com/page/parkingstudy2023
Posted: November 2023