Bunt Bits
CVRD Regional Active Transportation Plan
Bunt & Associates is thrilled to announce the adoption of the Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) Regional Active Transportation Plan (ATP). Titled “Human Powered”, this Regional ATP integrates existing and in-progress transportation plans, policies, and initiatives while filling in gaps to create a cohesive and connected regional active transportation network.
In collaboration with the CVRD and Uplift Engagement Communications Inc. (Uplift Co.), the Regional ATP was informed by robust Stakeholder, Public, and First Nations engagement efforts. Bunt worked with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure to provide implementable recommendations that fit within their existing capital work programs to inform active transportation design selection and project prioritization.
The recommended regional active transportation network was organized into three regional network components – the ‘Cowichan Valley Trail Completion and Improvements’, a proposed ‘East Route’, and ‘Regional Community Connections’. Bunt’s quantitative scoring system guided project prioritization and supported the implementation strategies and recommendations intended to result in the greatest community benefit are considered critical first steps for the CVRD to progress toward their active transportation goals.
A big shout out to Jason Potter, Bunt’s Senior Transportation Planner, Leanne Buck, Uplift Co.’s Communication Lead, and all the team members for their significant contributions to this important initiative. Learn more about the ATP here.
Posted: November 2023