Bunt Bits

what is happening

Celebrating World Engineering Day and National Engineering Month in Canada

The spotlight is on the engineering community this month! March 4 marks World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development where we recognize the important role engineering plays in driving innovation and sustainable development worldwide. It’s also National Engineering Month in Canada, a time to celebrate engineers’ commitment to making the world a better place.


Bunt is proud of our role in shaping communities for a better, more accessible and sustainable future. It goes without saying that our success is a result of the highly motivated and talented group of people we are lucky to have on board. Our Bunters are continuously dedicated to achieving highly livable outcomes, bringing innovative and sustainable solutions to our transportation engineering and planning projects.


Throughout the month of March and beyond, let’s celebrate engineers across all fields for their passion, commitment, and problem-solving mindsets that help to shape our future. In the meantime, check out some National Engineering Month events here.