Bunt Bits

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

Saturday, March 8, marks International Women’s Day (IWD), a global event that celebrates the achievements of women, their contributions to society, and progress made towards gender parity.


Bunt recognizes and celebrates the tremendous impacts that women have made and continue to make within our company, our industry, and our communities. The women of Bunt have, without a doubt, been integral to our corporate identity, culture and decision making, and project success over the last 30+ years. We’re extremely grateful that across our five offices, women make up 45% of our employee base and 42% of our senior team/Board.


Let’s take this opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate all the amazing women who continue to inspire us every day, in our personal and professional lives. Your ambition, resilience, and perseverance are paving the path for future generations.


Learn more about IWD here.