Bunt Bits

what is happening

2024 TAC Conference in Vancouver

Hats off to the Transportation Association of Canada for hosting another successful Annual Conference, held in Vancouver from September 22-25.


Bunt’s Mike Furuya (Principal and Board Chair) and Caitlyn Quach, (Transportation Analyst) were there with amongst almost 1,700 other industry experts. Mike had the pleasure of presenting on the ‘The Next 25 Years of Road Safety Audits’ alongside Geoffrey Ho of G. Ho Engineering Consultants – a session proudly sponsored by Bunt.


It was a fantastic few days of seeing new and familiar faces, and learning from a ton of professionals about the latest advancements in transportation technology and how digital innovations are transforming our transportation systems. From engaging technical sessions and panel discussions, to a driving simulator modeling proposed road designs, to a site tour of the Skytrain operations control centre, (and everything in between!) it’s an event that always delivers.


We hope to see you in Quebec City in 2025.